New Internal Combustion Engines Laboratory mainly focus on Engines Performance, Emissions and Combustion characteristics of various engines by using conventional fuels, different alternate bio-fuels, Engine combustion diagnostics and other engines related research through Experimental and Computational work. This lab is for both undergraduates and post graduate students. Some of the experiments which are performed by under-graduate students are performance studies of both C.I. and S.I. engines, etc. Moreover studies of bio-diesel with both engines are done by post-graduate students in their respective project works.
International Collaboration: International Collaboration based Academic Research Project with the details as follows:
Prof M Marouf Wani
Principal Investigator
Academic Research Project
Project Title - "AVL AST UPP - or - AVL AST University Partnership Programme Between National Institute of Technology Srinagar and AVL Austria and AVL India Ltd Gurgaon"