- /Department/

[To Parent Directory]

2/21/2024 10:40 AM <dir> ASHRAE Student Branch
1/20/2025 1:19 PM <dir> Chemical Engineering
1/20/2025 1:20 PM <dir> CHEMISTRY
1/20/2025 1:22 PM <dir> Civil Engineering
2/21/2024 10:40 AM <dir> Computer Science
1/20/2025 1:28 PM <dir> Computer Science & Engineering
1/18/2024 3:35 PM <dir> Computer Science _ Engineering
1/20/2025 1:28 PM <dir> Computer Services Center
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 18770 CPDepatment.Master
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 141819 CPDeptEmployee_List.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 8798 CPDeptHome.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 35105 CPDeptNews_List.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 35961 CPDeptPage_List.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 350308 CPDeptProfile.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 33134 CPDeptQuickLink.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 23085 CPDeptUploadFiles_List.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 30920 CPMenuDept_List.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 19035 CPSearch.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 2866 CPWelcomeDept.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM <dir> css
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 19314 Department.Master
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 49147 Department_FacultyList1.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 37109 Department_FacultyProfile1.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 48219 Department_StaffList.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 2468 DepartmentHome.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 19596 DeptDashboard.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 6056 Deptindex.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 23588 DeptPhotoGallary.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 12417 DeptSignUp.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 15097 DeptWiseLogin.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 2563 DisplayDeptPage.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 11354 Download_File.aspx
1/20/2025 1:15 PM <dir> Electrical Engineering
1/20/2025 1:47 PM <dir> Electronics & Communication Engineering
1/18/2024 3:34 PM <dir> Electronics _ Communication Engineering
2/21/2024 10:40 AM <dir> Electronics and Communication Engineering
2/21/2024 10:40 AM <dir> Gymkhana
2/21/2024 10:40 AM <dir> Hostel
2/21/2024 10:40 AM <dir> Humanities
2/21/2024 10:36 AM <dir> Humanities, Social Sciences & Management
12/5/2023 9:54 AM <dir> Humanities, Social Sciences _ Management
2/21/2024 10:40 AM <dir> IET
2/21/2024 10:40 AM <dir> Information Technology
2/21/2024 10:36 AM <dir> Innovation, Incubation & Entrepreneur Development Centre (IIEDC)
12/5/2023 9:54 AM <dir> Innovation, Incubation _ Entrepreneur Development Centre (IIEDC)
2/21/2024 10:40 AM <dir> Library
2/21/2024 10:40 AM <dir> Mathematics
1/20/2025 1:16 PM <dir> Mechanical Engineering
2/21/2024 10:36 AM <dir> Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
12/5/2023 11:24 AM <dir> Metallurgical _ Materials Engineering
2/21/2024 10:40 AM <dir> Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 22067 OtherDepartment.Master
2/21/2024 10:41 AM <dir> PHYSICS
2/21/2024 10:36 AM <dir> Research & Consultancy
12/5/2023 9:54 AM <dir> Research _ Consultancy
2/21/2024 10:40 AM 6916 SiteSearch.aspx
2/21/2024 10:40 AM <dir> Sports and Student activities
2/21/2024 11:01 AM <dir> TEQIP-III
2/21/2024 10:40 AM <dir> Training and Placements