Hitachi 3600 N Scanning electron microscope with a 5 axis motorized stage coupled with ultra dry Compact EDS Detector (Thermo Scientific™) is used for high resolution imaging and elemental analysis. The set-up is used for cutting-edge Materials Science research and also provides help in analyzing non-engineering materials.
- The main Capabilities of SEM/ EDS are
- Stage transverse X/Y- 150mm/110mm
- Sample thickness of 70mm
- 3nm resolution at HV
- Integrated Operation:- EDS, WDS, and EBSD operation and analysis in a fully unified software platform
- Resolution:- 5eV peak shift (±3eV typical between 1% and 60% dead time) from minimum to maximum count rate at a given analyzer time constant
- Operating environment:300C non condensing
- Sensitivity down to boron
- Advanced silicon drift detection electronics
- 133 eV resolution (Mn-Ka)
- Thermo Scientific UltraDry
- Specified Resoution:129eV
- Operating Bias: -180V
- Phase Mapping:- The Pathfinder X-ray Microanalysis Software allows you to identify elemental phases during the acquisition.
- Data collection:- spectral imaging
- Collection rates up to 1,000,000 cps